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Company G.F.P.


gfp macchine precisione stampi

Solutions and innovations the perforation are the business core of G.F.P.
G.F.P. has constructed machines and accessories for high quality perforation for 30 years thanks to the accumulated experiences in this particular field.


gfp macchine precisione stampi

gfp macchine precisione stampi

gfp macchine precisione stampi
The company offers a wide range of standard or personalized machineries and, on request, they can be equipped with PLC.

On request, the company is at customer service to obtain a personalized result with a ad hoc solution.
Our machines are constructed with high quality materials and their supporting structure is realized with a single ring and then stabilized.

Our machines work with:
• Moulds for perforation and micro-perforation
• Moulds for transfer paper with heating and perforation simultaneously
• Moulds for incision

We also offer:
• Assistance
• Spare parts and for other brand machines too

G.F.P. perforation technology is always improved to agree our customer request and advice; above all for the easy use, the productions flexibility and the easy modification of the machine to meet the needs of the customer for example in the size of the machine working area.

GFP machines can make the following productions:

  • perforation
  • microperforation
  • incision
  • cutting
  • plating
  • embossing (embossing machine, press for belts, embossing plates)
  • simultaneous productions


GFP offers machines which have the predominant characteristic of SIMULTANEOUSNESS and CONTEMPORANEOUSNESS realization of the mentioned productions.